The Kelham Theological College Fund (KTC)

The Society of the Sacred Mission (SSM) administers the Kelham Theological College Fund, which is available to people training for ordained ministry within the church, and for other forms of training that support the mission and ministry of the church.

Please read the following notes carefully, in order to confirm eligibility for this grant scheme, and to clarify the application process. 

Grant Criteria

Grants may be awarded to individuals seeking funding in order to undertake vocational training that fulfils at least one of the following objects:

  1. The training of persons intending to take Holy Orders in the Church of England or in any other church.
  2. The training of other persons whether or not they intend to take such Orders for work in or in aid of Missions conducted by or under the auspices of persons who are members either of the Church of England or any other church for the extension of the Kingdom of Christ in any part of the world.
  3. The training or education of any persons to fit them to further the extension of the Kingdom of Christ in any way connected with the Church of England or any other church.

Additionally, please note:

  • Grants are primarily awarded towards costs of training, such as course fees and direct expenses, rather than other costs not directly related to undertaking the programme in question.
  • Grants will not be awarded retrospectively for projects or activities that have already taken place.

Application Process

There are no specific deadlines and grant applications can be considered by the Board of Trustees at any point during the year. Advice about timescales may be provided following submission of an application. However, applicants should be aware that the process could take several weeks, and must allow for this when making their application.

  • A limited number of awards are made each year and only those applications deemed to meet the grant criteria will be considered.
  • Successful applicants will be notified as soon as is practical after the Trustees have made their decsion.
  • Unsuccessful applicants will also be notified as soon as possible with summary reasons for the rejection of the application.
  • The decision of the Trustees is final and there is no appeals process. However, unsuccessful applicants may apply to the fund again after one year.

The completed Application Form, which can be downloaded here, together with any supporting documentation, should be returned by email to:

Revd Dr Nicholas Buxton

Conditions of Receiving a Grant

If a grant is awarded, you will be asked not to publicise the source of the grant.

You will be required to provide a written report to the Society on the use of the grant. This should be received no later than three months after completion of the activity for which the grant was awarded. 

You may also be required to provide evidence (e.g. payment receipts) to show that the grant has been used for the purpose for which it was awarded.

Any grant funding awarded must be applied wholly and exclusively to the purposes described in the relevant grant application. Any surplus funding that remains unspent, or used for any other purposes, will have to be repaid.

The Society of the Sacred Mission is a Registered Charity (1101444) and is regulated by UK charity law. It is a legal requirement to ensure that grant funding is only expended in accordance with the objects of the fund.