Announcement of proposed change to the charitable objects
The Trustees of the Society of the Sacred Mission (SSM) are seeking approval from the Charity Commission to make an amendment to the charitable objects of SSM, and invite feedback and comment from beneficiaries and stakeholders.
The proposed changes do not substantially alter the charitable purposes of SSM, so much as simply clarify them.
The original objects of the charity, when it was established in 2003, were:
The advancement of the religious and other charitable work of the Society as the trustees shall from time to time think fit and if at any time the society shall cease to exist or shall cease to carry on religious of other charitable work then for such other lawful charitable purposes connected with the advancement of the Christian religion as the trustees shall determine.
The proposed new objects are:
For the benefit of the public, the advancement of the Christian religion by the following means:
a) The conduct of recognised religious community of the Church of England known as The Society of the Sacred Mission.
b) The pursuit of any purpose charitable according to the law of England and Wales which is calculated to express the Gospel in practical form.
Please address any comments to Nicholas Buxton, Director of St Antony’s Priory, email: